Parkett Vol. 16 - 1988 | Robert Wilson

Browse Selected Texts and more on the Collaboration Artist

Artist Insert


Robert Wilson is the collaboration artist in this issue, with contributions by Hans-Thies Lehmann, Klaus Kertess, Ellen Levy, Trevor Fairbrother, Christine Grandjean, Jacqueline Burckhardt & Bice Curiger. The insert is by Sherrie Levine.

Further texts are by: Nancy Princenthal “Alice Neel’s Portraits,” Peter Halley & Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe “On Barnett Newman.”

In Les Infos du Paradis a “Parkett Inquiry About Symmetries,” Jutta Koether contributed a Cumulus from Europe and Robert Pincus-Witten one from America, the title of the Balkon is “Hydro Iconography”, a picture series.


Table of Content

About Faces – Alice Neel’s Portraits by Nancy Princenthal

On Barnett Newman by Peter Halley & Jeremy Gilbert Rolfe

Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson, Scenographer by Hans-Thies Lehmann
In Robert Wilson’s Forest by Klaus Kertess
Robert Wilson – Theater History, Theater as History by Ellen Levy
Wilson’s Einstein Chair by Trevor Fairbrother
Great Day in the Morning by Christine Grandjean
The Weight of a Grain of Dust by Jacqueline Burckhardt & Bice Curiger

Sherrie Levine, Insert

Symmetries – An Inquiry by Parkett, Les Infos du Paradis

What’s on the Run Stays, Cumulus from Europe by Jutta Koether

Entries – Taking Stock, Cumulus from America by Robert Pincus-Witten
